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Progetto di ricerca PRIN "GAUCHO"
Home page > Activities > WP.1 "Communication and Networking Methodologies"

WP.1 "Communication and Networking Methodologies"

The objective of WP.1, leaded by UNIFI, is the investigation of suitable communication and networking strategies to pursue a FN performance optimization in order to efficiently support all the characteristics and address all the requirements of FC as well as reduce its overall energy consumption in line with the green paradigm of the GAUChO project. Specifically, Task T.1.1 aims at investigating the new emerging communication paradigms of Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) and capillary networks to allow a functional integration of FN capabilities with FC paradigm. This investigation aspect is requested to meet the specific (re)configurability, flexibility and energy-efficiency constraints characterizing the GAUChO architecture. HetNets are considered here as a novel networking paradigm based on the concept of access points densification, and multi-layer architecture, mainly to offload the traffic generated in a smart application scenario and to provide in crowded environments and/or at the cell edges, where performance can significantly degrade, a suitable quality level for specific FC services while reusing spectrum most efficiently.
This task also explores the capillary network paradigm in an integrated FC/FN paradigm scenario as well as the advantages arisen by resorting to the use of cognitive-based policies to manage the access to the FC resources (by also relying on spatial information about the network devices). Task T.1.2 focuses on the optimal design and performance evaluation of a distributed, adaptive and reliable Cognitive Radio-assisted scheduler. The goal of this task is to allow fixed and/or mobile devices equipped with energy-limited devices to perform real-time traffic offloading to local FC units. Task T1.3 proposes new methodologies to support the network formation phase, allowing fixed or mobile devices (e.g., vehicles) to be connected, so as to achieve a full context-awareness by means of exchanging and jointly refining context-related information regarding the status of devices, and environmental conditions. In particular, this task aims at defining suitable novel topology-control protocols that dynamically track any context change (e.g., devices location, traffic patterns, channel propagation conditions, quality of active information flows, etc.). This is mainly accomplished by clustering the interested devices into correlated groups, according to a small-worlds vision, where the proposed approach has to be tailored to the specific FC purposes and the FN capabilities. To this end, IPv6 oriented multihop proactive and reactive schemes need to be investigated and compared in terms of effectiveness, flexibility, adaptability, resilience and scalability. Furthermore, a suitable distributed strategy to implement the previously designed solutions over dynamic scenarios is required by also taking into account the effects of specific scenarios on the data gathering/dissemination phase.
The Communication and Networking methodologies of WP.1 will be considered in the framework of strategies and tools studied in WP.2 , for the support to an efficient and location aware computing and to enable adaptive reconfiguration of heterogeneous distributed applications in WP.3 . Finally, they will be validated as part of WP.5 in relation to the two specific application scenarios of interest for the GAUChO project.  
last update: 16-Feb-2017
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